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Lake Waikaremoana's Great Walk is now fully open following a series of repairs. In September last year, the region experienced extreme weather patterns. Heavy rainfall caused rivers to swell to capacity, flash flooding, road closures due to slips and blowouts, and trees were left piled underneath rock and rubble. The Waikaremoana Great Walk also took a lashing, a Tuhoe spokesperson said. "After a review of the Great Walk serious safety...

Repairs on the Great Walk at Te Urewera, Waikaremoana, have been completed and the walk is open again. In September of last year, the region experienced extreme weather patterns. Heavy rainfall caused rivers to swell to capacity, flash flooding, road closures due to slips and blowouts, and trees were left piled underneath rock and rubble. The Waikaremoana Great Walk also took a lashing, said a Tuhoe spokesperson. “After a review...

 The Department of Conservation is not interested in renewing the Waikaremoana lakebed lease, it has told Wairoa Waikaremoana Maori Trust Board and Te Uru Taumatua. That is according to Te Uru Taumatua and Te Urewera Board chairman Tamati Kruger. The 50-year iwi-Crown lakebed lease was due for renewal in July 2017. DOC held a right of renewal, but the lease has still not been renewed. Treasury documents show DOC's cost for the...

The Department of Conservation (DoC) is not interested in renewing the Waikaremoana lakebed lease. Te Uru Taumatua and Te Urewera Board chairman Tamati Kruger said DoC had informed Wairoa Waikaremoana Maori Trust Board and Te Uru Taumatua to this effect. The 50-year iwi-Crown lakebed lease was due for renewal in July 2017. The Government held a right of renewal but the lease has still not been renewed. Instead DoC is managing its...

Park management seen as a new model with no equivalent in the world. There are many ways to encourage a better standard of behaviour and engagement with Te Urewera, says Te Uru Taumatua chair Tamati Kruger. Unprecedented levels of rubbish this summer have made Te Uru Taumatua realise they need to accelerate their work on establishing a collective enterprise to better address this.  "These standards and priorities are something that...

Poor behaviour and littering continues to dismay both tangata Whenua and visitors to Waikaremoana while also raising questions around the direction of the lake's management. Wairoa Mayor Craig Little supports the Ngai Tuhoe plea for visitors to stop trashing Lake Waikaremoana and the surrounding area.  Mr Little said for people to treat such a beautiful area with so little respect was disappointing. "These people have a sense...