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Waikaremoana Great Walk repairs finished
26 March 2019

Lake Waikaremoana's Great Walk is now fully open following a series of repairs. In September last year, the region experienced extreme weather patterns. Heavy rainfall caused rivers to swell to capacity, flash flooding, road closures due to slips and blowouts, and trees were left piled underneath rock and rubble. The Waikaremoana Great Walk also took a lashing, a Tuhoe spokesperson said.

"After a review of the Great Walk serious safety issues were found between Waiopaoa and Waiharuru.  After an assessment of the track, and based on the high risks to human safety, the track was closed until repairs could be completed. A lot of time and effort went into the planning of the repair work and the approach to this was guided by the principles from Te Kawa o Te Urewera as well as the concept of our 'living buildings'. The delay caused frustration for those who had booked to do the Great Walk as repairs took longer than anticipated. We offer our sincere gratitude for the patience and understanding shown while Tuhoe and the Department of Conservatoin worked through the difference of approach."

Wairoa Star


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