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The High Court has ruled the decision of a judge acting alone to decline urgent Waitangi Tribunal hearing applications lodged by Te Upokorehe and Ngati Ruapani to be...

Shareholders of Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board should decide the way forward for their land blocks. This from the new trustees, following the Māori Land Court's decision to remove the Trust Board as trustee of 13 Māori Reservations on the shores of Lake Waikaremoana. Kararaina Rangihau and Jennifer Moses are some of the trustees of 13 Māori land reserves located around the shores of Lake Waikaremoana. Kararaina...

Te Uru Taumatua - the new Tuhoe headquarters building - was declared New Zealands greenst new building at last weekends 2014 property industry awards. The $15 million builidng, the first in New Zealand designed and built to meet tough international Living Building Challenge criteria, was also the crowd favourite, according to the iwi's whaira infrastructure and resources general manager Te Hau...

Tuhoe Te Uru Taumatua, New Zealand Fire Service, the Taneatua Community Board and Taneatua Lions have raised money to mount smoke alarms, free of charge, in all homes in Taneatua, Ruatoki, Waimana, Waikaremoana, Matahi and...

Hokimoana Te Rika-Hekerangi Preserving the Maori language has been a life-long duty for Hokimoana Te Rika-Hekerangi, who was born and raided in Ruatahuna. Her mission to keep te reo alive has extended beyond the reaches of her own community to encompass wider New Zealand and...

An adjudication process sorting out iwi land rights within Kaingaroa Forest is still on target for a June 20 outcome. The eight iwi entities that signed up to the $418 million Central North Island forestry settlement bagan meeting in Rotorua on April 14 with three adjudicators to determine mana whenua(territorial rights) to specific areas within the 176,000-hectare...