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Tuhoe Real Estate
22 March 2017
Jo Tuhoro (Hamua) grew up in a 2 bedroom whare built by her Koro Charlie. Nurtured by her nanny and koro, and surrounded by her many aunties, uncles and cousins, Jo remembers how Tūhoe values and beliefs were instilled in her from a young age.
“Our grandparents taught us that family should always be your focal point and it is here in this home that I learnt about Tūhoetana.”
Now married with three tamariki, she instills values of whānaungatanga into her own family.
“My family’s holistic wellbeing comes first, and as a Wife & Mother, my role is and will always be to support, love, teach and encourage those around me. At times it is a challenging role, but one that will continue to help me grow with my Whanau.”
Grit and whānau are also the core values that influence her mahi.
“The same concepts apply with my mahi by putting people’s wellbeing first and truly understanding what it is that they need, and how I can help them achieve that…it is one of the most rewarding and priceless roles that I could have. Investing into the future of our tamariki and our community is what drives me.”
Just over two years ago, Jo began studying real estate and took a position as a receptionist for Real Deal Real Estate in Whakatane. With a lot of determination and the support of her whānau, Jo was able to fulfil her ambition of becoming a licensed Real Estate agent.
“My first house that I sold was in a rural town and at the time the dwelling would require a large amount of renovation. Coming from 11 years in the healthcare industry, and having never been in sales before, selling this dwelling was not only a confidence booster but also gave me a sense of achievement and excitement all at once”.
Jo says she is keen to contribute back to her iwi by providing sales support and guidance to those who are looking to sell or purchase property. She says she enjoys meeting people from all walks of life, learning what is important for them and their whānau, and helping them to achieve their goals.
“Know what you want in a home, the features, the size, the location. Take your time, look around and don’t rush into buying or selling any property. Talk to a financial advisor or your Financial Institution to find out how much you could borrow. Check all options available to you and ask the necessary questions. If you feel you need to ask the question, ask it!”
Jo also looks forward to the future of real estate in Tūhoe - Te Urewera.
“I believe that with the correct policies, procedures, initiatives and support mechanisms in place, the future of real estate in Tūhoe Te Urewera would not only be promising, but successful. By implementing these initiatives, Tūhoe will be able to preserve, maintain the land and build sustainable living for future generations whether it be on Whanau land or through the concept of Papakainga. It would be amazing to see an increase in development of homes for whanau by whanau to reinvigorate our Rohe and get back to our grassroots.”
Jo describes her own dream home as a sustainable, eco-friendly dwelling on a medium sized block of land.
“A house is a building with walls, but a home is made when it is filled with love and whānau.”
If you are looking to sell or purchase property call in and see Jo at Real Deal Real Estate, 44 Domain Road, Whakatane.