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My place in Waikaremoana
Holly Taylor is one of a handful of Tūhoe that has returned to her roots. When she found out she was hapū, Holly returned to her haukāina of Waikaremōana in Te Urewera to raise her pēpē, Te Mānehurangi. Her return to Waikaremōana and the birth of Te Mānehurangi coincided with the Crown’s settlement with Ngāi Tūhoe....
Part VI of Te Urewera report released
The shocking poverty experienced by Te Urewera Māori was in large part caused by the Crown’s many breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, the Waitangi Tribunal has found in the sixth and final volume of its Te Urewera district inquiry report. The volume, released today, responded to claims made on behalf of the hapu and iwi of Te Urewera and...