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He Iwi Whakamoe Tau 2015 - Workshop Summary

24 November 2015
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He Iwi Whakamoe Tau – Your Tūhoe hui-ā-tau 2015

Attendees at this years Hui-ā-Tau took advantage of the opportunity, to share and have their say on the Te Uru Taumatua mahi. The workshop segments in the programme of He Iwi Whakamoe Tau, the Tūhoe hui-ā-tau, has been keenly adopted as a permanent feature in the annual hui. Three workshop topics were facilitated by Tūhoe Tribal teams that put a spotlight on Te Urewera, Te Reo o Tūhoe and the priorities of theTūhoe Mātohatoha/Allocation model. A spread of opinions were shared and this summary below represents the discussions on the day.

Workshop: What do hapū need in order to meet their responsibility to Te Urewera?

Summary of feedback on the day:

Trusts within Te Urewera have an interest in the development of the Te Urewera management plan and are interested in having a relationship with the Te Urewera Board to communicate those interests.. A collective approach to managing the responsibilities for Te Urewera was expressed.

Te Maara a Te Atua concept, was raised as a strategy to explore in the restoration of Te Urewera to create a sustainable environment for future generations.

Improving the condition of the Te Urewera road was expressed as one way to ensure access while being an opportunity for employment. Suitable access to toilet along the Ohinemataroa and Hanamahihi track could be revisited to evaluate the merits of an additional toilet. A stance on or clarification on the extraction of native timber from Te Urewera was sought by attendees. Biodiversity areas of mahi, that of bird monitoring, farming kererū are focused of interest for further discussion.

Rounding out the discussion was the view that an opportunity exists for Tūhoe to create unique sustainable Te Urewera tourism activities.

Workshop: What do we have to do to rescue te reo o Tūhoe?

Nā kohina kōrero i kapo i taua rā.

Whānau / Kāinga

Ko koe te tīmatana. Ka timata mai tō kāina ki te kōrero i te reo ki nā tamariki me nā mokopuna. Ko nā pākeke kei te noikore. Kua rerekē te ao o i nā i a nei. Kai tēna kei tēnā tōna hiahia. Ko te kura o nā tamariki heria ki te marae. Mā te kōrero i te reo koira i mau ai te reo, he whakarono, kaua e ākona te reo me kōrerohia.


Tīmata wānana ma Tūhoe mo te reo. Kai te whakamahi te reo e na kōhana reo kia mau ai te mita o Tūhoe. Kai te whai i nā kōrero hītori. Titiro ki nā kura ō muri atu mai o te kōhana tae noa ki te whare wānana. Whakamahi i te kāina, i te kōhana, i te kura, i nā wāhi katoa. Whakahokia mai na kōhana reo ki raro ia Tūhoe, mā te huna matatau e whakaako.


Ko nā kupu kaare i te eke. i pēnei ai nā te mea kaare tātau i te kimi wētahi kupu hei whakawhānui atu i wā tātau kōrero kia pai ai te whakarono o te tarina. Kia eke nā kōrero ki tētahi tauamata atu. Ko te huarahi e whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ana ko Twitter, pukamata, instagram. Heria ki reira. I runa i te marae kei nā wāea e hāpiri ana a tātaua waiata. Me whakakatakata, whakareka i tō tātau reo. He aha te huara e rekai ai te reo? Whakamahi nā taputapu o te ao hanarau. Whakahokia mai a tātau kīwaha, makere noa mai i ō tātau waha hei whakapārekareka i te reo. Waihana pūrākau. Whakatika ia tātau, me kaha tātau ki te tuhi i o tātau kōrero hei pāaui ma a tātau tamariki, mokopuna. Kia mau tō tātau reo i roto ia tātau hui.

Workshop: Under these 5 priorities; kaumātua, education, livelihood opportunities, research and ideas and living environments. What should the activities and measurement of achievement be?


Tūhoe Tikanga: Karana, Whaikōrero, Te Pae

Health and Wellbeing: Heating, Transport, Healthcare, Housing

Opportunities for Kaumātua: Social activities


Tūhoe Culture: Tūhoe tikanga, history, language.

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Blog Post He Iwi Whakamoe Tau 2015 - Workshop Summary
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