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The people of Maunapohatu want the Government to officially pardon Māori spiritual leader Rua Kenana. Hundreds gathered at the small village in Te Urewera to commemorate the 100th anniversary of police entering Maunapohatu determined to arrest...

A rare national treasure featuring a Tūhoe chief is expected to sell for more than $1million. The work is the last major painting by New Zealand artist Charles Frederick...

More than 70 local government chief executives and their partners from around New Zealand and Australia will converge on Whakatane this week for a two-day...

No replacement for Shaw

17 February 2016

Rather than replace the person responsible for managing staff in Te Urewera, Tuhoes Chief Executive has assumed responsibility herself and will not look for another manager until at least next...

Tame Iti says he's 'no longer angry' reflecting on his long battle for Tuhoe. Forty years ago Tame Iti was an angry young man who hoped to change a nation. Today through persistent action he's turned his hopes into reality. During the past 25 years the Crown has spent more than $2 billion redressing breeches of the Treaty of Waitangi. Mr Iti's iwi Ngai Tuhoe settled with the Crown 18 months ago. "The apology was just...

Yesterday was the opening night for ITI, an exhibition showcasing paintings by Tame Iti and photography by Birgit Krippner. The exhibition will take place at Melanie Rogers Gallery in Auckland from January 27 to February 6. Yesterday was the opening night for ITI, an exhibition showcasing paintings by Tame Iti and photography by Birgit Krippner. The exhibition will take place at Melanie Rogers Gallery in Auckland from January 27...