The New Zealand Defence Force is providing free dental care and education in a small Bay of Plenty town as part of a two-week exercise. The 25-member team is providing dental treatment at a temporary clinic in Taneatua which has a population of 786 and is in the traditional boundaries of the Tuhoe iwi. Warrant Officer Class 2 Ross Heald said the programme was being conducted in partnership with the Tuhoe and Bay...
Defence force delivering Bay dental care
The New Zealand Defence Force is providing free dental care and education in a small town in Bay of Plenty as part of a two-week exercise. The 25-member NZDF team is providing dental treatment at a temporary clinic in Taneatua, which has a population of 786 and is in the traditional boundaries of the Tuhoe iwi. The programme was being conducted in partnership with the Tuhoe iwi and Bay of...
Third Ngai Tuhoe building to open next month
The third building project undertaken by Ngai Tuhoe since its 2014 Crown settlement will open its doors next month. The project, Te Tii, is a hub in Ruatahuna, and according to Tuhoe leader Tamati Kruger, is on target and on budget. "The Ruatahuna locals tell me they are very happy with proceedings," Kruger said. Te Tii follows Te Kura Whare in Taneatua, which was recently certified as...
Army dentists provide free care for Tuhoe town
Army dentists provide free care for Tuhoe town Army and Navy dental personnel are providing free dental care to residents in the small Bay of Plenty town of Taneatua as part of a two-week community outreach exercise. Taneatua has a population of just over 700 and is within the traditional boundaries of the Tuhoe iwi. Team leader Warrant Officer Ross Heald said it gave the 25-strong team a chance to practise their skills in the field as...
We are not who we should be as Tūhoe people
Tūhoe leader Tāmati Kruger delivered this year's annual Bruce Jesson Memorial Lecture at the University of Auckland on 31 October: Koia Mārika — So it is. This is a full transcript of that talk. Tāmati was Tūhoe's chief negotiator leading up to the iwi's 2013 settlement with the Crown, and the landmark Te Urewera Act 2014 — world-leading legislation which declared the Tūhoe homeland...
Waikaremoana build wins national award
Te Kura Whenua, the visitor centre and living building project developed by Ngai Tuhoe and designed by Tennent and Brown Architects has won a national architecture award....