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Settlement bills pass first hurdle
23 October 2013

Tūhoe has taken another step forward with parliament this morning unanimously voting for the first reading of its claim settlement bill.

In an extended session, parliament also passed the first readings of the Ngati Haua and Ngati Koroki Kahukura settlement bills.

Treaty negotiations minister Christopher Finlayson says the Te Urewera-Tūhoe Bill, addresses some of the most appalling acts by the Crown in New Zealand’s history.

It will eventually be split into two bills. One will cover the agreed historical account, Crown acknowledgements and apology, the return of culturally significant sites and commercial redress.

The other bill will create the new legal identity for Te Urewera and establish a governance , comprising Crown and Tūhoe representatives.

The two Waikato settlements are much smaller.

Ngati Haua will receive $13 million of financial and commercial redress and the return of culturally significant sites such as the mountain Maungakawa, located within Te Tapui Scenic Reserve near Morrinsville.

The Ngati Koroki Kahukura Settlement includes financial and commercial redress of $3 million and vests the Crown-owned Maungatautari scenic reserve in to te hapori o Maungatautari or the Maungatautari Community.

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