This special issue of the Maori Law Review focuses on the settlement of Tuhoe's historic Treaty claims. This is a remarkable settlement in many ways.
First, there is the history of Tuhoe-Crown relations. As Dr Vincent O'Malley identifies in this issue, this is a history that has been marked by Tuhoe assertions of mana motuhake and often brutal Crown action directed at eroding Tuhoe autonomy. However, the subsequent confiscations and later land-takings along with the failure to implement the provisions of the 1896 agreement between Tuhoe and the Crown that would have recognised Tuhoe's internal autonomy, also underminded Tuhoe's self-determination. Through this settlement, the Crown and Tuhoe are confronting this history.
Articles in this special issue:
Historical background - Dr Vincent O'Malley
Te Wharehou o Tuhoe: THe house that 'we' built - Professor Rawinia Higgins
Tuhoe Claims Settlement Act 2014; Te Urewera report of the Waitangi Tribunal - Dr Carwyn Jones
Te Urewera Act 2014 - Dr Jacinta Ruru
A transforming dawn? The Service Management Plan - Mamari Stephens