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Waikaremoana Great Walk Track
17 September 2015

The Waikaremoana Great walk returns to a two-way walk with access again available from either the Onepoto or Hopuruahine ends of the walk from Saturday 19 September. This follows a temporary one-way only route from Onepoto to Whanganui hut (with water taxi pick-up) following the closure of the Hopuruahine suspension bridge on the 3rd of September. The Hopuruahine track end is now at the main highway near the main road bridge over the Hopuruahine rivers. Walkers should allow for 1.5 hours for the walk to or from Whanganui hut from the new track end. For further information call the Te Urewera team at the Aniwaniwa Visitor Centre (06) 837 3803.

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