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Tuhoe say Broad should have apologised
13 August 2014

Tuhoe speakers at Te Rewarewa Marae have told the police ope or group welcomed there that the former Police Commissioner, Howard Broad, should have issued the apology over the raids, rather than Police Commissioner, Mike Bush.

Tangata whenua welcoming police on to the marae.

Tangata whenua welcoming police on to the marae.

Photo: RNZ / Mani Dunlop

The current police commissioner and dozens of officers have been in Ruatoki to apologise to the community over the 2007 Te Urewera raids.

Hundreds gathered on Te Rewarewa Marae to hear the apology from the police commissioner - in which he said sorry for the way the raids were carried out.

He didn't say sorry for the operation itself but for aspects of it such as the way that people were treated with disrespect, particularly innocent people like tamariki and mokopuna.

Some kaikorero or speakers told the police ope that the police commissioner at the time of the raids, Howard Broad, should be there to issue the apology.

But , a kaikorero for the manuhiri said that task was now for Mike Bush.

The apology was accepted by most Tuhoe descendants but there were still some whanau who weren't ready to accept it.

To read the original RadioNZ news report, click here.

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