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Tuhoe changing hunting rules
12 November 2014

Te Urewera Board chair Tamati Kruger says Ngai Tuhoe want to have a better relationship with hunters who use the iwi’s land.

The change in status of Te Urewera National Park as a result of the Tuhoe settlement has meant the need to review access management, with the hunting permits issued by the Department of Conservation no longer being relevant.

Mr Kruger says some hunters are upset at the change in their routine.

But groups like the Game Animal Council, the Deerstalkers Association and the Pighunters Association accept that a review is needed.

There is no monitoring of the 1600 hunting permits already issued and no sharing of information.

"There is no arrangement of reciprocity of information that we would like to see, for example hunters to help us out by observing things around flora and fauna, about tracks, about huts, the hunters dogs in the area. We would like to have a relationship with these people, rather than just be a point that issues out a paper permit " he says.

Tamati Kruger says licensing hunters is not a revenue-gathering exercise.


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10 years ago Donna Stevens - Waikaremoana

It would be great to see the hunters club in each wharua involved in the policy and decision making for this kaupapa. I only suggest this because each and every club from each wharua know their particular Rohe well.D