Access to Te Urewera for hunters has been resumed in time for the Christmas–New Year holiday period as promised. Although still under development a new pōhiri (permit) will enable hunters to enjoy Te Urewera during their holidays.
Te Urewera Board has determined a new approach using new language to describe postive new relationships bound by a high regard for reciprocity, and all based on age-old values to enable the safe use and enjoyment of Te Urewera. Te Urewera Board Chairman Tamati Kruger explained that “establishing a relationship between Tuhoe as the tangata whenua and our manuhiri places important obligations on both parties – responsibilities necessary to serve the wellbeing of Te Urewera and to ensure its longevity for our future generations”.
“The Tuhoe Settlement which brought about Te Urewera Act requires the Board to strengthen and maintain the connection between Tūhoe and Te Urewera; to preserve as far as possible the natural features, integrity and beauty of Te Urewera and its historical and cultural heritage; and to provide for Te Urewera as a place for public use, enjoyment and as a place of inspiration for all.”
“For that to occur we want to manage in an inclusive manner, with people of like minds. Feedback from manuhiri show a wealth of knowledge demonstrated by the timely input into this permissions system. Hunter observations while in Te Urewera alone are a valuable contribution to identifying needs or positive development. This is only a beginning.”
“The reviewing of the authority and conditions appropriate to hunting is the first of many to be made with an inclusive relationship in mind. During this process the Board has welcomed the input of the Game Animal Council, the Deerstalkers Association, the Pighunters Association and interested members of the public in the development of this hunting permit.”
The new pōhiri is available for self-issue on the Tūhoe website at or by calling at Tūhoe’s Te Kura Whare centre at 12 Tūhoe street Tāneatua (or any DOC visitor centre) for those who don’t have access to a computer.