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Take a moment to relax, close your eyes, and picture a place that makes you feel serene. Where is this place? What can you see, hear, and feel?   If you found yourself in nature, then you just experienced a decrease in your stress and anxiety levels. Studies have shown that whether you are experiencing nature first-hand, in virtual reality, or through sounds and photos, you are proven to become happier, healthier, and more...

Te Kura Whare is a new generation building embodying super-green values and the spirit of Tuhoe. Seven years ago Tuhoe spearheaded a "Where to from here?" conversation with its people as part of developing a new generation blueprint. Change was imminent - negotiations were underway with the Crown in the lead-up to the Tūhoe Deed of Settlement...

Achieving Living Building status for Tūhoe's headquarters in Tāneatua has been a long and arduous road. But the tribe's chairman, Tamati Kruger, says the outcome has been worth it. First raised by Tūhoe Establishment Trust, the idea was to build a modern headquarters after the trible settled its Treaty grievances with the Government. The forerunner to the tribe's post-settlement governance body, Te Uru Taumatua, the establishment...

Tūhoe's headquarters, Te Kura Whare, is now among the 14 buildings in the world to have reached a no impact standard. The tribe's chief executive, Kirsti Luke received the prestigious Living Building certification at a ceremony in Seattle, United States, on Friday. Designed by the late Jasmax architect Ivan Mercep, Te Kura Whare was developed to leave no footprint and instead replenish its environment and community and since its...

Tūhoe's headquarters Te Kura Whare is now among the 14 buildings in the world to have reached a no impact standard. The tribe's chief executive Kirsti Luke received the prestigious Living Building certification at a ceremony in Seattle, United States, on...

Living Certified Te Kura Whare First and foremost, Te Kura Whare belongs to the people of Tūhoe. It is a symbol of their story, a representation of their origin as an iwi; their past, their present and their future. The building provides a central point of connection for Tūhoe, located within their turangawaewae. Te Kura Whare was put together by members of the iwi. As such, a...

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