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Another snow dumping at Waikaremoana - Closes the Great Walk
12 August 2015

With the latest snowfall in Waikaremoana and the low temperatures forecast for the next few days, the Waikaremoana Great Walk track is closed until further notice.

This is the second closure in three weeks for the Great Walk due to heavy snowfall. Panekire range has had a good 100mm settle and until cleared will be unsafe for Te Urewera trampers. The lake-shore Great Walk huts and campsites remain accessible by boat.

The track to Lake Waikareiti, Sandy Bay and Manuoha are also closed as a result of the snow and work associated with clearing fallen trees from the previous snow-fall. As soon as conditions improve and safe passage assured, a status  update will be posted on the Ngai Tuhoe website.

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