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Sustainability key for Ruatahuna community hub
18 July 2017

Te Iwi o Ngai Tuhoe are on track to completing its third environmentally sustainable building.

Te Tii is a community hub being built in Ruatahuna and will house tribal offices, shops, s and meeting spaces.

It follows on from Tuhoe's first build, Te Kura Whare which won two New Zealand Property Council categories in 2014 for the Special Purpose and Green Building Awards.

While Te Tii is a large community whare, Tuhoe Manawaru tribal chairman Turiokahu White says Ruatahuna is looking at the whole of the landscape including roading and ensuring the eco-sustainability of the surrounding environment.

"Ruatahuna is quite proud to be at the centre of this. We're looking at the green road possibly a new material to bitumen with the principle in mind it's more eco-friendly. We have responsibility to our whenua, Te Urewera has come back under the settlement and we feel responsible for it so all these new technologies around and Tuhoe quite proud to be at the forefront."

Turiokahu White says the whare is on track to opening at the beginning of next year.

Listen here for Interview with Tuhoe Manawaru Tribal Chairman Turiokahu White


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