Te Urewera Board chair Tamati Kruger says a new plan is a way to manage the way people use the resource rather than the land itself.
The is calling for submissions on Te Kawa o Te Urewera, which sets out the principles for managing and regulating activities within Te Urewera.
it's a new approach to management plans and reflects the changes in Te Urewera Act that gave Ngai Tuhoe a say in what happens after 60 years of the land being managed by the Department of Conservation in a national park.
Mr Kruger says the land has a way of managing itself, and people are the problem that needs to be managed.
"A lot of the human impact on the land and our attitude and our diminishing sense of responsibility and connection to the land has has a negative impact on it, so this is a management plan for people's relationship to Te Urewera," he says.
Submissions on Te Kawa o Te Urewera close on July 20.
Radio Waatea