Film maker Kim Webby says the depiction of Tame Iti as public enemy number one during the Urewera Four trial made her determined to show the Tame she knew. Webby’s documentary The Price of Peace premieres on Sunday at the Auckland International Film Festival. She’s known the Tuhoe activist for more than 20 years, and she says he family links to the Eastern Bay of Plenty meant she was in a position to tell the story once the initial shock of the police raids on Ruatoki and surrounding areas had died away. She says the focus on Iti and his family put a face to the wider story. "I wanted to bring to the wider public more of the Tame I know who is a grandfather, a leader in his local community as well as being a leader nationally for recognition of Maori sovereignty, Maori issues, and particularly te mana motuhake o Tuhoe which he has dedicated his entire life to," Webby says. The Price of Peace follows the arc from raids to reconciliation, bringing in the 170-year conflict between Ngai Tuhoe and the Crown and ending with the tribe’s historic treaty claim settlement.
Listen to the radio interview here: Waatea News