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Tuhoe children affected by 2007 raids go to Parliament
18 February 2015

Following on from their trip to the Police College, a group of Tūhoe children involved in the 2007 raids have made tracks to Parliament.

Reporter Ripeka Timutimu was there to capture the kids as they arrived to meet Minister of Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell.

They're moving on, a step closer to full reconciliation.  Parliament was a whole new world to these Tūhoe kids and one of those on call to greet them was their MP for Waiariki.

For Michael McClutchie, one of those affected in the raids, the House has no mana.

He says, “This is just a building.  It's our marae that are our places of law.  It's our elders who uphold our families and sub-tribes.”

But with time, things will hopefully ease for McClutchie and his whānau.

McClutchie says, “My first thought was to seek revenge, but that's changed and I will leave it up to god to seek justice for Tūhoe.”

-Te Kaea


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