Contact Details

Are you a machine? If not please enter nothing in here:
Full Name
Phone Number
Physical Address
Are you registering interest as an individual or a company?


What area, trade or work stream would you most like to be involved in?
Are you currently enrolled in a course or other training?
What training would you like to undertake?
What would you most like to learn by being involved in this project?

Tūhoe Connection

Do you have Iwi / Hapu / Marae Affiliations?
Have you been involved in other Tūhoe building projects? If so, how?
Do you have any other experience working with Tūhoe? If so, what?

Experience and Skills

If you're registering interest as a company, please indicate current number of staff
How would you describe your profession, trade or vocation?
Do you have any qualifications or certificates?
What experience could you bring to the project?
What is the greatest skill that you could share with others?

Please indicate areas of interest and expertise

Hosting Support
Setting Up