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Third reading of Tūhoe Claims Settlement and Te Urewera Bill
24 July 2014

The third reading of the Tūhoe Claims Settlement and Te Urewera Bill is underway in Parliament and a contingent of Tūhoe have travelled to Wellington for the reading. Other members of the Iwi have gathered in Taneatua to view a live feed of the historical event.

Minister of Treaty Settlements, Chris Finlayson told the house this morning that the settlement would, “provide a foundation for a new relationship between the Crown and Ngāi Tūhoe.”

The settlement includes Crown acknowledgements of breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi and its principles, a Crown Apology for those breaches; an agreed historical account of the relationship between the Crown and Tūhoe; redress which will create a new legal identity for Te Urewera and see it co-governed by Crown and Tūhoe representatives; Mana Motuhake redress incorporating a social service management plan for the Tūhoe rohe, and a financial and commercial redress package totalling $170 million.

However factions of Tūhoe such as Te Ūpokorehe continue to express dissatisfaction with the settlement and an email was sent to the Minister asking him to hault the third reading, claiming there was unresolved litigation for Waimana, NgatI Haka Patuheuheu, Te Whaiti Nui A Toi, Maungapohatu and Ngati Ruapani.

Following today’s reading the bill will be sent to the Governor General in a few days then signed into law.

View the original Te Kaea news item here.


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